sacred Tooth Relic was brought to Anuradhapura, the ancient capital of Sri
Lanka, from Kalinga during the reign of the King Kitsiri Mevan (A.D. 303 -
331). That was about 500 years since the arrival of Theri Sanghamitta and the
planting of the sacred Bodhi Tree.
Chinese Buddhist traveller Fa Hien given an account of the rituals associated
with the sacred Relic when it was taken to Abhayagiri vihara for the annual
festival during the month of Esala. The fourteenth century Sinhala text
"Dalada Sirita" gives a vivid description of these rituals. There was
a strong conviction particularly among Sinhala Buddhists that the legitimate
claim for the Sinhala Throne could be made by the possessor of the sacred Tooth
Relic. The belief that the sacred Tooth Relic was a harbinger of rain never
diminished even after the British occupation of Kandy. When the perahara was
suspended by the British rulers in 1815 a severe drought and a crop failure
followed. Due to public protest the perahara was allowed. It was reported that
torrential rains followed the initiation of perhara rituals. The author of Dāladā Sirita gives a vivid description of that
perahara rituals begin with the planting of kap poles (about 60 cm in length
cut from a lactiferous tree) within the premises of each dewale at an
auspicious hour. Kapa symbolises god Indra and it is cut
from a lactiferous tree to signify fertility and prosperity. When the kap-poles
are brought to each Dewale they are placed on a clean mat where fresh mango and
margosa leaves are spread. That ritual is associated with the Pattini cult.
Goddess Pattini, according to mythical literature, was born out of a mango and
her husband was killed under a margosa tree. When the kap poles are installed
in each dewale premises the officiating priest (kapurāla) circumambulates the
kap pole on three consecutive days carrying the insignia of the respective
the beginning for five days the procession is confined to the dewala premises.
The second stage of the perahara is the Kumbal Perahara. Here the relic caskets
along with such regalia traditionally associated with the ancient royalty of
Kandy are taken out. The Relic Casket is taken out amidst the blowing of conch
shells. A gaily decorated elephant carries the casket. The military loans a gun
to the proceedings, which is fired when the Diyawadana Nilame takes his place
in the procession.
Diyawadana Nilame, according to historical traditions was the minister who
supplied water to the King. The title "Nilame" was given to a
Minister of the royal court. However a contrary view was held by some writers
with regard to the duties of the Diyawadana Nilame. He was required to do
everything within his capacity to ensure rain at the correct seasons. This
conclusion was arrived at because there was another official in the royal
palace with the title Ulpange
Rala who made bathing facilities
for the king.
third stage of the perahara is the "Randoli" symbolizing the
participation of the royalty in the procession. Randoli was the name of a
special palanquin in which the Queen was taken. The perahara parades with full
splendour at this stage.
"water-cutting ceremony" marks the final stage of the perahara
rituals. Only a section of the overnight procession accompanied by the
kapuralas in charge of the four shrines of Natha, Vishnu,Katharagama and Pattini proceed to the ferry at Getambe and await the
first light of the day for the performance of the ritual. When the first rays
of sun fall they draw a circle in water with a sword. the water within that
circle is taken to fill the pitchers.